Daniel Hertlein is a spiritual teacher with direct access to the human soul who helps you to experience your timeless/eternal Self.
Through his presence, wisdom and clear guidance you free yourself from the illusion of being a limited persona and you experience what you are beyond your conditioning.
You will be initiated into effective and proven spiritual practices that support you on the direct path to freedom.
With openness, respect, compassion and a lot of humour, Daniel Hertlein accompanies you through the different phases of your spiritual awakening.
Guided meditations, direct dialogues and periods of deep silence invite you to enter into the space of awareness, exploring the different levels of being. Each question about life is viewed from an awakened sight, from which answers emerge that serve to clarify and inspire.
“Whether we cultivate our humanity and how we live it makes all the difference. What shines through you when you think, speak or act? Remain inwardly in the place that does not change while life lives you …” (Daniel Hertlein)
Daniel Hertlein - Spiritual Teacher
17 September, Tuesday - 19:30 - 20:10
19 September, Thursday - 19:00 - 22:00
06 October, Sunday - 8:30 - 18:30
Italien Intensiv Retreat
Daniel’s words were like a divine revelation for me, in that Satsang. More than he spoke them or I heard them, they flowed directly into my heart and met with an unreserved “Yes!”. Wisdom, power, love … each of us was personally addressed and at the same time the greatness and infinity of the “One” took hold of me. And has not let me go since.
In connection with Daniel, physical distance is not important for me: In the online meditations and satsangs, I have so often been able to experience that light and healing also reach me directly this way. One day, I had heard a lecture by a renowned American scientist in which he described the idea of and especially the education to a separate self as a mathematically and quantum-physically refutable untruth. I was engaged by this lecture, sometimes I just need a “scientific” view on things. Later in the meditation, Daniel picked up this theme in his own words purely “by chance”. But it went far beyond what I heard: instead of just making me understand or believe something, he showed me in the meditation how real (spiritual) connectedness is for a wide and living heart – and how unreal the supposedly only known “reality” is.
With Daniel’s lightful guidance, his open-hearted and open-minded way of sharing the precious knowledge of a millennia-old practice, those secrets are revealed to me in an unique way. Eventually, I have found a place of learning which corresponds with my innermost sel. I get in touch with a truthfulness that is affirmed by my whole body and soul. My view becomes wider and wider and by the new understanding of healing, I experience never known feelings of freedom and of connectedness with other people and lightful beings of the spiritual world.
Daniel sees the depths of the soul. He reads me like an open book.
I meet Daniel where he kept saying, “Don’t seek me as a persona, but meet me in spirit and in your hearts!” My broken arm no longer hurts and I move freely. This happened in a joint meditation – online – when I suddenly felt an intense stream of energy reach my body.
In my encounters with Daniel, I experience how more and wider dimensions open up to me. He says some things more or less casually, but they stick in my mind like a mantra. For example, the question “What is the feeling behind the feeling?”. So a lot of what he says works beyond the level of consciousness and brings out numerous insights in me. When it comes to health issues and how the soul expresses itself through the body, I often find the conventional approach inadequate and limited. In contrast, conversations with Daniel are so easy to have, everything is connected and I understand – what he says and also what he doesn’t say. For me, this goes far beyond the idea of “thinking with the heart”. I experience myself holistically in my body, connected to the entire universe, and can therefore experience “endlessly” more. My vision captures the physical body in much wider dimensions and new accesses open up. It is like diving into the “library” of universal being. Everything is there … it literally flows through me … very intense and shaping. A deep knowledge arises in me that it is precisely this experience that I am here for.
It was when I made eye contact with you on the Retreat, which led me look at my life differently from one moment to the next. In this perspective I realized, “Everything is God.” I saw and felt that all there is, from God and through God – and I sensed an incredible wave of joy and gratitude that can best be explained as a blessing. I felt the grace of God. I felt reborn and at the same time only just alive. Everything around me was filled with enthusiasm, excited and therefore fully alive. This blessing or consciousness that “everything is God” lasted for months. Since then, I have no doubt that God exists; that God is there, that there is nothing without God.
A healing treatment with Daniel enabled me to release a negative karmic bond that went beyond death. For many days I felt an inner coldness and depressive mood inside me that I could not explain. During the treatment I realized that I was karmically bound to a deceased soul who was now asking me for forgiveness. When I accepted her deep in my heart, the coldness left my body and I felt love. Since this experience, it has been clear to me that we are and remain connected beyond physical death … preferably in love.
And although Daniel works in and with worlds and beings that are not familiar to me, he remains deeply and simply human.
A kind fate wanted me to end up in your hands, instead of under his knife … My shoulders were so damaged – the price I had to pay for my wild water canoeing career – that they became dislocated by the slightest hasty movement … A miracle healing! Nevertheless, it seemed to have happened almost incidentally while the real work and healing was actually taking place somewhere else.
Doors are opened, of whose existence I did not even know.
I grew up neither religious nor spiritual. After graduating from high school, I decided to study medicine and have been treating people according to conventional medical principles for many years. What I cannot see, experience or explain does not exist for me. Some things Daniel had to show me an incredible number of times before they became reality for me – again and again he told me incidents in passing that I had experienced shortly before, that arrived shortly after, or he spoke my thoughts or repeated conversations where he was not present – before clairvoyance and clairaudience became real and more and more normal for me. Daniel has let me see and experience quantum physical phenomena in meditations and introduced me to worlds otherwise described only by mystics. I experience physical, emotional, mental and spiritual healing again and again, which very often happens quite incidentally and which slowly transforms me. Sometimes, however, it can be experienced like a very specific intervention and has a visible and noticeable effect immediately. A prolapsed intervertebral disc, allergies, sleeping disorders have completely disappeared. I cannot deny what I repeatedly experience in myself and see in others. I am becoming more familiar with other levels of healing and being. Both – conventional medicine and spiritual healing – are allowed to be there, have their justification and complement each other wonderfully.
The bulimia that accompanied me for 20 years of my life has left my life over the past few months. Although it was never actually a topic as such in our joint practice. Owing to the meditations and conversations with you, I rediscovered access to my spiritual roots by which I could experience a power that gives me fresh courage, support and stability.
Thank you so much for you care, love, dedication … for everything you are doing for us on this planet.
After a hernia operation with intubation anesthesia, my voice went rapidly downhill. And a few days later I could only speak “tonelessly”, so to speak. The various doctors I visited seemed to be baffled, and even the voice training that followed brought no improvement. Other alternative treatments were also unsuccessful and during my next visit to the doctor I was told that the only option left was an operation on the vocal cords, which of course I was anything but enthusiastic about. After half a year … despite loving healing recommendations and various support … but still without a voice, my teacher Daniel invited me to practice together in Italy. The practice, which was connected to everyday life, was a treatment of the whole human being. On the fifth day at a dinner together, when I was already talking to him in such a seemingly habitual voiceless way, he then said to me, almost casually and at the same time joyfully, “Do you hear it? Your voice is back.” I had the sound back in my voice; which then steadily increased until a few days later I could speak normally again. With great gratitude to the blessing of the shared practice that Daniel imparts.
Daniel has helped me to bring light into destructive emotional connections and to free myself from traumas and influences from previous incarnations. Through spiritual practice I can/could recognize how I create karma – positive or negative, how much is in the unconscious, what can be felt in my energy field and that my soul is unfathomable. I am infinitely grateful for the chance to be able to free myself from so many things in this life and to be able to live so much again. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Daniel, for not shying away from any darkness in me.
It is the greatest gift for my soul to practise this way … with my teacher’s protecting hand above me, who unites love and purity, knowledge and wisdom, humility and power within himself and lives it in a perceptible way … in a community of people who all look for their true selves, supporting each other on their inner path in a joyful, mindful and very natural manner … within a calm and powerful environment, where the abundance of nature empowers healing and development.
I am very grateful for the healing that has taken place in my family. It is not just one person who has been healed of an illness, but the whole family is healing. I see that a lot of destructive and hurtful behavior in my family has lessened or disappeared altogether – and this despite the fact that Daniel only worked with me. Deep hurts, years of silence, silent accusations, mistrust, untouchable, painful experiences … there was all of that. Today, all is not well yet, but we are all talking to each other again and what would have led to drama in the past can be solved more easily today through an open, more forgiving cooperation. I can allow closeness with people again, have become more open and touchable, and can trust more easily. I have given myself the confidence to have a child and start a family. Five years ago, all of this would have been unimaginable.